Reading competence in a foreign language or further science, mathematics, or computing coursework is strongly recommended.
Current and Core Courses
The following courses form the present list of the 'core' courses from which students could draw to develop an STS program
- ECON 265 Development from the Ground Up, Prof. DeSilva
- HIST / PSY 172 History of Medicine and Psychiatry
- HIST 161 Introduction to the History of Technology and Socio-Technical Systems, Prof. Moynahan
- HIST 251 Knowledge and Society in the Scientific Revolution, Prof. Stroup
- PHIL 220 Introduction to the Philosophy of Science, Prof. Shein
- SHP 224 History of Science in the Post-War Period (1950-2000)
- SHP 222 History of Science Before Newton, NS. 222 (3000 B.C.E. to 1700)
- SHP 223 History of Science in the Modern Period (1700-1950)
- SHP 227 Philosophy of Science
Senior Projects
Senior projects in STS are focused on the requirements of the primary program area, and thus will principally be written or artistic products, or laboratory investigations. Senior Projects should, however, contain broader questions raised by STS. Such questions might include: How can developments in science and technology best be conveyed to the public or understood aesthetically? Can or should society or government control the development of technology or 'big science'? How do professional expectations, funding, or cultural norms influence particular research programs or laboratory situations? A senior project in biology and STS, for instance, might look not only at a particular biological problem of epidemiology, but at the economic, political or public health dimension of disease prevention surrounding the specific disease.
Contacting STS
Address: Bard College, PO Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504
Phone: 845-758-7296 | E-mail:
Paul Cadden-Zimansky Phone: 845-758-7584 Email:
Greg Moynahan Phone: 845-758-7296 E-mail: